Wie Goodwill Industries das Marketing transformiert hat, um Tausende von Fünf-Sterne-Bewertungen zu generieren und das Budgetvolumen auf 45% zu erhöhen

Wie Goodwill Industries das Marketing transformiert hat, um Tausende von Fünf-Sterne-Bewertungen zu generieren und das Budgetvolumen auf 45% zu erhöhen
Erhöhte Bewertungen von


Erhöhte Bewertungen von

Erhöhung der 5-Sterne-Bewertungen um


Erhöhung der 5-Sterne-Bewertungen um

Erhöhen Sie das Spendenvolumen um


Erhöhen Sie das Spendenvolumen um

The Challenge

The base of the whole welfare work of Goodwill Industries are donations. This spenden are the life pixel of Goodwill. The donations are then provided the needed in communes in ganz Nordamerika. Viele der Spenden, der Goodwill erhält, werden an die Goodwill Stores in der Gemeinde vor Ort geliefert. For the more as 40 Goodwill-Secondhand Shops and Spend Centers in South Arizona would secure goodwill that, if they could find the preferred welfare organization and spender, they could be easy and efficient. Ta many their spender in first line on websites like Google, Bing and Yellow Pages, to find shops in their close, should goodwill ensure that consumer, the donate or shopping want, they could easy find with all their internet search options.

Goodwill war bewusst, dass es seinen Spenderkunden schwer fiel, ihre Goodwill-Shops online zu finden. The primary goal of goodwill is existing, this online presence to improve and increase the number of spendings in the filials and the number of customer sales. Goodwill should also ensure that the offer information are correct in the various search machines.

The base of the whole welfare work of Goodwill Industries are donations. This spenden are the life pixel of Goodwill. The donations are then provided the needed in communes in ganz Nordamerika. Viele der Spenden, der Goodwill erhält, werden an die Goodwill Stores in der Gemeinde vor Ort geliefert. For the more as 40 Goodwill-Secondhand Shops and Spend Centers in South Arizona would secure goodwill that, if they could find the preferred welfare organization and spender, they could be easy and efficient. Ta many their spender in first line on websites like Google, Bing and Yellow Pages, to find shops in their close, should goodwill ensure that consumer, the donate or shopping want, they could easy find with all their internet search options.

Goodwill war bewusst, dass es seinen Spenderkunden schwer fiel, ihre Goodwill-Shops online zu finden. The primary goal of goodwill is existing, this online presence to improve and increase the number of spendings in the filials and the number of customer sales. Goodwill should also ensure that the offer information are correct in the various search machines.

Goodwill helps people, your life to improve, when es people helps, a job to find and their career. Im Jahr 2018 halb Goodwill mehr als 35,5 Millionen über ihre mehr als 3.300 Standorte in den USA.

The Solution

Binnen 72 hours after the entry in Synup were all 40 locations of Goodwill in South Arizona correct updated, on 48 websites listed and/or reklamiert. Goodwill war in der Lage, alle Standorte schnell und einfach über Synup zu verwalten. The dashboard by Synup gab Goodwill the possible, both ensure the right of marketing data as also to stretch this data on all websites, the their potential spenders/customers use. Darüber hinaus konnte Goodwill seine Standortdetails wie Öffnungs-/Schließzeiten, Adresse, Sonderangebote usw. jederzeit bearbeiten. The Synup-Dashboard provides also detailed analysis about the engagement, the these filials receive online, and fasst all reviews together, which these shops also receive on other websites. Goodwill can follow, how many customers they find online. Durch die proaktive Verwaltung ihrer Bewertungen konnten sie noch mehr neue Spender/Kunden gewinnen.

Binnen 72 hours after the entry in Synup were all 40 locations of Goodwill in South Arizona correct updated, on 48 websites listed and/or reklamiert. Goodwill war in der Lage, alle Standorte schnell und einfach über Synup zu verwalten. The dashboard by Synup gab Goodwill the possible, both ensure the right of marketing data as also to stretch this data on all websites, the their potential spenders/customers use. Darüber hinaus konnte Goodwill seine Standortdetails wie Öffnungs-/Schließzeiten, Adresse, Sonderangebote usw. jederzeit bearbeiten. The Synup-Dashboard provides also detailed analysis about the engagement, the these filials receive online, and fasst all reviews together, which these shops also receive on other websites. Goodwill can follow, how many customers they find online. Durch die proaktive Verwaltung ihrer Bewertungen konnten sie noch mehr neue Spender/Kunden gewinnen.

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