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Want to request google reviews for your location via SMS? Here’s a complete guide on SMS review request campaigns

How to Request Reviews via SMS for reputation management


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SMS review requests are a powerful tool that's probably sitting right in your marketing toolbox, waiting to be used. In this guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about using SMS to boost your Google reviews. We’ve also shared a list of industry-specific review request SMS templates you can start using right away. Let’s go!

Why Reviews Matter (And Why SMS is Your Secret Weapon)

Think about the last time you tried a new restaurant or bought a product online. Chances are, you checked out the reviews first, right? You're not alone. A whopping 91% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchase, and 84% trust them as much as personal recommendations. That's huge!

But reviews do more than just influence potential customers. They're also SEO goldmines. Did you know that review signals make up about 15% of Google's local pack ranking factors? (According to a study by Moz). That means more reviews can help you climb those search rankings and get more eyes on your business.

Plus, reviews give you a direct line to what your customers are thinking. It's like having a constant focus group at your fingertips, helping you improve your products or services.

Why SMS is Your Review-Requesting Superpower

Now, you might be thinking, "Why SMS? Why not just send an email?" Well, here's the kicker: SMS messages have a jaw-dropping 98% open rate. Compare that to email's measly 20%, and you'll see why SMS is the way to go.

But it's not just about open rates. Think about it – how often do you check your phone? Probably way more often than your email, right? That immediacy makes SMS perfect for catching customers when their experience with your business is still fresh in their minds.

Plus, there's something personal about a text message. It feels more direct, and more conversational. And in a world where we're all drowning in marketing emails, a simple text can stand out.

SMS Review Requests: The Basics

   1.What Exactly is an SMS Review Request?

Simply put, an SMS review request is a text message you send to a customer after they've interacted with your business, asking them to share their experience. It's like a gentle nudge saying, "Hey, we'd love to hear what you think!"

A typical SMS review request might look something like this:

"Hi Sarah! Thanks for dining at Joe's Pizza last night. We'd love to hear about your experience. Could you take a moment to leave us a quick review? Here's the link: [Review Link]. Your feedback means the world to us!"

Another example👇

   2. Playing by the Rules: Legal Stuff You Need to Know

Before you start firing off texts left and right, let's talk about the legal side of things. Yes, it's not the most exciting part, but trust me – you'll want to pay attention here.

First up, there's the Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) in the US. The gist? You need to get explicit consent from customers before sending them marketing messages via SMS. And yes, review requests count as marketing messages.

If you're dealing with customers in the EU, you'll need to keep the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in mind. This means being crystal clear about what you're using their data for and giving them the option to opt-out at any time.

And don't forget about platform-specific policies. Google, Yelp, and other review sites have their own rules about soliciting reviews. Make sure you're familiar with these to avoid any potential penalties.

The key takeaways? Always get consent, provide clear opt-out instructions, and keep records of who's agreed to receive your messages. It might seem like a hassle, but it's way better than dealing with legal troubles down the line.

Read more: Review request guidelines for Google

   3. Crafting the Perfect SMS Review Request

Timing is Everything

Send your message too early, and customers might not have had enough time to form an opinion. Too late, and the experience might not be fresh in their minds anymore.

So, when's the sweet spot? For products, try sending your request a few days after the estimated delivery date. This gives customers time to receive and try out the product, but it's still recent enough to be top-of-mind.

If you're in the service industry, strike while the iron is hot! Send your request right after the service is completed. Just got a haircut? Finished a meal at a restaurant? That's the perfect time to ask for a review.

But remember, not all experiences are created equal. If you're selling a product that takes time to show results (like skincare), or a service that unfolds over time (like a home renovation), adjust your timing accordingly.

And here's a pro tip: avoid sending messages at odd hours. Even if your business operates 24/7, your customers probably don't want to be pinged about a review at 3 AM!

Crafting Your Message: Short, Sweet, and Effective

When it comes to SMS review requests, you've got to make every character count. You're working with limited space, so your message needs to be short, sweet, and to the point. Here's how to nail it:

  • Use the customer's name and mention specific details about their purchase or experience. It shows you're not just sending a generic blast to everyone.
  • Don't beat around the bush. Let them know exactly what you're asking for. "Could you leave us a quick review?" is clear and direct.
  • Aim to keep your entire message under 160 characters. This ensures it's delivered as a single text and doesn't get split up.
  • A little gratitude goes a long way. Thank them for their business and for taking the time to leave a review.
  • Briefly mention why their review is important. Something like "Your feedback helps us improve and helps other customers make informed decisions" can be effective.

Here's an example putting it all together:

"Hi John! Thanks for your recent oil change at QuickLube. We'd love your feedback! Could you take a moment to leave a quick review? [LINK] It really helps us improve. Thanks!"

Make It Easy as Pie

Want to know the secret to getting more reviews? Make it ridiculously easy for your customers. The easier it is, the more likely they are to follow through. Here's how:

  • Include a direct link to your preferred review platform (For example, Google profile). Use a URL shortener to keep things tidy.
  • If there are multiple steps, consider breaking them down into a separate message or linking to a page with clear instructions. (Some tools like Synup help you build custom landing pages to request reviews)
  • If you're asking for a review on a particular platform, give them a heads-up. For example: "Just tap the link and click the 'Write a Review' button under our business name."
  • Let them know they can reach out if they have any trouble leaving a review. A simple "Having trouble? Just reply to this message and we'll help!" can go a long way.

Remember, the goal is to make leaving a review feel like a breeze, not a chore.

To Incentivize or Not to Incentivize?

Now, you might be tempted to offer a little something in exchange for a review. A discount on their next purchase, perhaps? While it might seem like a good idea, tread carefully here. Many review platforms, including Yelp and Google, have strict policies against incentivized reviews.

Instead of direct incentives, consider running a general campaign. Something like "We're donating $1 to charity for every customer review we receive this month" can encourage participation without breaking any rules.

If you do decide to offer any kind of incentive, make sure it's:

👉Offered for all reviews, not just positive ones

👉Clearly disclosed in your request

👉In line with the policies of your chosen review platform

Remember, the most valuable reviews are those given freely by happy customers. Focus on providing an exceptional experience, and positive reviews will follow naturally.

Types of SMS Review Request Templates

Not all customers are the same, so why should your review requests be? Mix things up with these different types of SMS templates:

The Simple and Sweet

Perfect for busy customers or when you're confident about the service you've provided:

"Hi [Name], thanks for choosing [Business]! We'd love your feedback. Could you take a moment to leave us a quick review? [Link] Thanks a bunch!"

The Personal Touch

Show your customers you remember them by including specific details:

"Hey [Name], hope you're loving your new [Product] from [Business]! We'd love to hear your thoughts. Mind sharing a quick review? [Link] Your feedback helps us and other customers. Thanks!"

The Gentle Reminder

For those who didn't respond to your first request, a friendly nudge can work wonders:

"Hi [Name], hope your week's going great! We noticed you haven't had a chance to review your recent experience with [Business]. Your feedback means a lot to us. Got a moment to share your thoughts? [Link] Thanks!"

The Appreciation Follow-Up

Perfect for loyal customers or after receiving positive verbal feedback:

"Hello [Name], thanks for being an awesome customer of [Business]! We're grateful for your support and would love if you could share your experience with others. A quick review would make our day: [Link] Thanks for your time!"

Remember, these are just starting points. Feel free to tweak and personalize these templates to match your brand's voice and the specific context of each customer interaction.

75+ Review Request Templates (Industry-specific Examples Included)

Automating Your SMS Review Requests

Alright, so you're sold on the power of SMS review requests. Review sites like Google and Yelp often let you send review request directly from your profile. But you're probably thinking, "I don't have time to send individual texts to every customer!" Don't worry – that's where automation comes in. Let's dive into how you can set up a system that does the heavy lifting for you.

Choosing a tool for request reviews

First things first, you'll need to choose a platform to help you automate your SMS review requests. When you're choosing your platform, think about:

  • How well it plays with your existing systems (like your CRM or POS)
  • The pricing structure (some charge per message, per location, others have monthly subscriptions)
  • How easy it is to use (because who needs more tech headaches, right?)
  • What kind of support do they offer (trust us, you'll appreciate good support when you need it)
  • Analytics and reporting capabilities (because you'll want to know how well your efforts are paying off)

Synup can help you request reviews on auto-pilot

Synup is a reputation management platform that can connect with your CRM or POS system directly. Each time you get a new customer, Synup sends them automated SMS campaigns for requesting reviews.

You can find more platforms like this. Some options – Birdeye, GatherUp, ReviewTrackers.

Once you've chosen your platform, it's time to set up your automation triggers. These are the events that will automatically send out your review requests.

1. Identify the key moments in your customer journey that would be good times to ask for a review.

2. Figure out how your chosen SMS platform can connect with your data source (like your CRM or POS system).

3. Set up rules for when messages should be sent (like 3 days after a purchase date).

4. Create message templates for each type of trigger.

5. Test, test, and test again before going live!

Quick Read: Here’s a simple guide on generating more reviews with Synup

Measuring Your Success (Because Data is Your Friend)

You've set up your SMS review request system, and the reviews are rolling in. Awesome! But how do you know if your strategy is really working? That's where measuring your success comes in. Let's dive into the metrics you should be tracking and how to use that data to level up your review game.

Review Volume: Keep track of how many reviews you're getting overall through your SMS campaign.

Review Sentiment: Are most of the reviews positive or negative? This can give you insights into customer satisfaction.

Response Time: How quickly are you responding back to the reviews received? This can help you build your reputation.

Next steps?

Okay, once you have your SMS campaigns live, it’ll be good to take a peak at a few things here:

  • Are there common themes in the reviews, good or bad? Maybe everyone loves your customer service but thinks your prices are too high.
  • Which products or services are getting the most love? This could inform your marketing or product development strategies.
  • Don't shy away from criticism. Use it as an opportunity to improve and show customers you're listening.
  • Are certain types of customers more likely to leave positive reviews? This could help you refine your targeting.

This will help you get the best squeeze outta your SMS review request campaigns. Coupled with automation (self-bragging, but Synup really helps here), you’ll be on your way to getting some solid 5-star reviews.

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