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Comment créer des légendes uniques sur vos publications sociales

Comment créer des légendes uniques sur vos publications sociales


You can stand out and engage your fans on social media by creating engaging captions for your posts. Your social media posts can be more engaging for your followers and stand out in a congested stream if you create distinctive descriptions.

                                                                   Photo courtesy of Ketut Subiyanto

You can optimize your posts in unique ways depending on the platform you are posting on. It’s important to differentiate your posting style to ensure your posts will be seen. We’ve broken it down for you by social media platform to help you start writing eye-catching posts as soon as possible.

                                                                     Photo courtesy of cottonbro studio


Instagram posts are frequently used to add context to the image or video posted and to give the post a more human touch. Users frequently utilize hashtags, other users' names, and emojis in their captions to give their posts personality. They are crucial for interacting with followers, creating communities, and expanding the reach of posts.

How you can optimize the captions on your Instagram posts

Consider using this as an opportunity to do some micro-blogging.

Not everyone is going to click through to your blog. A lot of content creators use microblogging on their instagram as a way to connect with their followers and prove their credibility and value.

Start out with a catchy first line to get your viewers to click “read more”.

The first line is essential in an Instagram caption. Look at your competitors and popular influencers to see what they’re doing and workshop some of your own first-liners.

Always add a Call to Action (CTA) for whatever it is you want followers to do.

Diverting traffic to the link you want followers to click on is going to depend on how well you prove the value of the click. Tell followers why they should click on your link.

Write captions in a series.

If you are planning out your next month of posts, write all of your captions at once. It’ll keep your messaging consistent and on-brand. You can go back and edit them later.

Include the most valuable hashtags for your industry.

We’ve gone over this before in more depth, but your captions absolutely should include hashtags and geotags that will boost feed visibility. 

                                                                           Photo courtesy Ocko Geserick


On Twitter, a tweet's text or copy is an integral part of the post. Twitter captions can only be 280 characters long, including spaces and punctuation. They can be used to give background information, express ideas and opinions, pose queries, make claims, or disseminate news and information. Twitter users can express themselves and interact with their followers through the use of captions.

How you can optimize your Twitter captions

Make sure your messages are concise.

Tweets are read in a glance. You’ll want whatever it is you’re saying to resonate with your viewer. Whatever it is you need to say can only be said with 280 characters.

Tweets should have specificity to whatever it is they are referencing.

If someone follows you or likes your posts, you can show up on their followers' feeds. Make sure what you’re saying can be understood by whomever reads it by referencing specifics either through the message directly or hashtags.

Stay on brand.

If you show up in someone’s feed, they should be able to identify your branding by the icon in your post or the voice of your writing.

                                                                  Photo courtesy of cottonbro studio


On Facebook, captions are employed to set the scene, communicate feelings and thoughts, or relate a tale to the subject matter. Compared to other social networking sites like Twitter, Facebook's captions allow users more room to express themselves with a maximum character count of 2,200. Emojis, hashtags, and user mentions can all be used in captions to give posts more personality and broaden their audience. Users can interact with their friends, family, and followers on Facebook by using captions. They can also be used for marketing initiatives, such as promoting a service, commodity, or event.

How you can optimize your Facebook captions

Use data to tell a story.

Readers are more likely to believe in the credibility of a business if they use data when speaking about a new product, service, or industry-related insight.

Whatever you’re posting, make sure your captions reflect on it.

Entice people to engage with your post by writing a caption that directly relates to the type of post it is. A call to action can be a strong way of doing this.

Pay attention to what is trending on Facebook.

If you create captions without reference to whatever current events are going on in the sphere of the social media platform you are using, you’ll be doing yourself a disservice and it makes your brand look disconnected. Be sure to stay on top of trends and engage with them in an appropriate and sensitive way.

                                                                    Photo courtesy of cottonbro studio


TikTok captions provide the video context and can be used to express feelings, thoughts, or humor. Comparatively to other sites like Twitter, TikTok lets users add more detail and personality to their videos with captions that can be up to 500 characters long. To give captions more flair and broaden the video's audience, they can also contain emoticons, hashtags, and mentions of other users. The TikTok community may be engaged with and videos can be seen and heard more widely by using captions.

How to optimize captions on TikTok

You can have fun on TikTok.

TikTok is the wild west of the internet. Creators and businesses alike can get playful with their captions to complement their videos and increase engagement. Humor is the cornerstone of this app, so there are lots of ways to do this.

Pay attention to the audience who might see your posts on their FYP.

Your analytics may be a good place to start with this so you can get an idea of your viewership.

Really carve out your brand voice.

Videos and captions alike on TikTok need to be consistent and in line with your branding. Viewers will call you out if you don’t keep it real with them. 

Hashtags should be researched.

Content creators on TikTok use hashtags to optimize their videos. This can include the most popular trending hashtags and more niche hashtags specific to your branding. Popular hashtags change all the time, so be sure to keep up to date on what is trending.

                                                                 Photo courtesy of Nathana Rebouças


On LinkedIn, captions on posts are used to give context about an article, picture, or video. Captions can be up to 700 characters long, giving users plenty of room to express themselves and offer pertinent information. Emojis, hashtags, and user mentions can all be used in captions to give posts more personality and broaden their audience. Users can interact with their contacts, build their own brands, and make their postings more visible on LinkedIn by properly writing captions. They can also be used to disseminate knowledge, pose queries, or make an appeal for action.

How to optimize captions on LinkedIn

Like other social media sites, make sure you’re using hashtags.

LinkedIn hashtags should include the industry you are in and any adjacent industries you are referencing, the topics you are speaking to, and any trends you are associated with.

Tag people in your posts.

To have optimized visibility across LinkedIn feeds, tag people! This can be in the form of a shout out, promoting the work someone did on your team, or even influencers on the site that inspire the work your business is doing.

The headline is everything.

LinkedIn is similar to Twitter in that people are reading through their feeds rapidly. Statistics and data can help catch viewers' eyes, but personal anecdotes are good to start with, as well.

End with a question.

A question is a great CTA for LinkedIn and engagement is known to increase when having something to respond to. The more engagement you get on a post, the better visibility it will have.

Add links to external sites in the comments section.

This is the best way to keep visibility on your viewers’ feeds. LinkedIn tends to hide posts with links in the post directly.

Ready to start using social media marketing for your business? Synup is offering a free trial today to help your company reach more customers by uniting your social profiles on one platform. Start a conversation with us to find out how we’re making this process stress-free with maximized results.

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