What happens next?
Every edit you make to your profile needs to be repeated across stores and websites causing a huge time and effort sink for your team. Synup Automations can easily handle all of that for you so you have more time to personalize and refine your marketing.
Stop making manual edits to profiles. Schedule updates to automatically customize menus, offers, and operating hours around special days to keep your profiles fresh.
Set up auto-responses to customer reviews. Create response templates so automated review responses have variety and do not come off as robotic and impersonal.
Manage routine tasks for multiple clients. Use automations to eliminate repetition while delivering custom personalized experiences to every client.
Publish business listings across Google, Facebook, Bing and other premium partners easily from one place so whenever customers search online, you are always the answer.
Craft profiles for every aspect of your business across multiple websites
Unify your brand experience with centralized control of all listings
Measure performance and improve your listings with profile and ranking reports