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Comment faire du marketing sur les réseaux sociaux pour les cabinets comptables

Comment faire du marketing sur les réseaux sociaux pour les cabinets comptables


Accounting businesses within the United States take part in a dynamic sector, with new challenges mounting every year. 2023 is no different, as the industry has become increasingly competitive over time. Firms are seeking to differentiate themselves from their competitors, and emerge in 2023 as more than just accountants, but experts with social credibility.

                                                                       Photo courtesy of Kelly Sikkema

There are a few different aspects of operating in accounting in 2023 that make the industry especially challenging:

  • Technology advancements – To increase efficiency and cut expenses, many accounting firms are actively integrating new technologies to automate and streamline their procedures, like accounting software and cloud-based solutions.

  • Increased competition – As new firms enter the market and old firms broaden their offerings, the accounting sector is getting more and more cutthroat.

  • Regulation changes – The accounting sector is highly regulated, and laws and rules that businesses must abide by frequently change.

  • Talent shortage – Accountants with expertise in specific fields like forensic accounting, data analytics, and cybersecurity are particularly in demand.

  • Threat to cybersecurity – As technology is used more and more, there is an increasing requirement for accounting companies to secure client data and defend against cyberattacks.

  • Client requirements are evolving – and the accounting sector is adapting by expanding its offerings of new services like business assessment, financial planning, and tax planning.

Despite these obstacles, it’s important in this ever-changing landscape to remain competitive. With that said, many businesses are adjusting to these challenges by enhancing their offerings and making strategic investments on how they reach their customers, including exploring social media marketing to widen their online footprint. Businesses today across sectors use social media to build their brand with astonishing results.

                                                                     Photo courtesy of Sarah Elizabeth

We’ve done some of the leg work to help accounting firms get started with their social media journey.

Determine who your target market is. Think about the audience you want to engage with through social media marketing. This can involve new customers, sources for recommendations, or other experts in the field. Do you work in business auditing or personal accounting? Depending on the particular services the firm provides and its location, accounting companies may have different target markets for their services.

                                                                       Photo courtesy of Adem AY

Select the appropriate platforms. Not every business should use every social media network. Start by thinking about the platforms where your target audience is most active. Given that it is a professional networking site, LinkedIn is a good option for many accounting firms. However, if you work directly with individuals and families, Instagram or Facebook may be a good decision for your business, too. The precise objectives, target market, and services provided by the organization will determine the appropriate social media platform for accounting firms. However, we wanted to include some well known and frequently used social media platforms to give you an idea of what they are capable of:

  1. LinkedIn: Accounting businesses frequently utilize LinkedIn, a professional networking site, to get in touch with potential clients, business partners, and subject matter experts. It can be used to share business information, thought-provoking writing, and job openings.
  2. Twitter: Twitter can be used to deliver quick updates and business news. By sending direct messages and live-tweeting events and campaigns, it may also be utilized to interact with prospective customers, business partners, and industry experts.
  3. Facebook: A business page can be set up on Facebook to post updates and engage with potential customers, business partners, and sector experts. Additionally, it can be used to run advertisements to promote brands and enhance website traffic.
  4. YouTube: YouTube is a platform for sharing videos, and it can be used to make and distribute instructional and enlightening content like webinars, how-tos, and explainer videos.
  5. Instagram: You can publish visual content and behind-the-scenes looks at the company and its staff on Instagram. Additionally, it can be utilized to highlight the company's culture, beliefs, and services.

It's important to note that while deciding which social media channels to use, accounting companies should also take the specific demographics of their target audience into mind. 

Generally, it's a good idea to be active on multiple channels, publish consistently, and interact with your audience.

                                                                Photo courtesy of LinkedIn Sales Solutions

Produce useful content. Sharing useful and pertinent information on your social media channels is crucial for capturing your audience's attention and developing your brand. This could include information about your company and its services, industry news, advice, and suggestions.

                                                                 Photo courtesy of Gary Butterfield

Use hashtags to help your content be seen. To get the correct audience to your material, think about adding local hashtags as well as hashtags specific to your sector.  The best hashtags to use for accounting firms will depend on the specific services offered by the firm and the target audience. However, here are some popular hashtags that are commonly used by accounting firms:

  • #accounting #tax #taxes #taxprep #taxplanning #taxadvice
  • #financialplanning #financialadvice #financialstrategy
  • #audit #compliance #regulatory #government
  • #smallbusiness #smb #startup #entrepreneur
  • #cpa #taxprofessional
  • #bookkeeping #payroll #invoicing
  • #taxseason #taxdeadline
  • #taxlaw #taxpolicy
  • #taxreform
  • #taxsavings

It's worth noting that you should also include hashtags that are specific to your services, location, and target audience. It's useful to keep an eye on the trending hashtags on the platform you use, and use them if they are relevant to your industry or job.

It's good to use a mix of generic and specific hashtags, and to avoid overusing hashtags, as it can appear spammy.

                                                                     Photo courtesy of Marten Bjork

Engage your audience in dialogue. social media is a two-way street. Make an effort to reply to messages and comments, and solicit opinions from your audience. This promotes partnerships and positions your company as an industry thought leader.

                                                                     Photo courtesy of Austin Distel

Use sponsored advertising. While natural social media marketing is crucial, you can also reach your target demographic by using bought advertising. To target particular demographics and interests, think about employing Facebook or LinkedIn advertisements. For a number of reasons, sponsored advertising—also known as paid advertising—can be beneficial to accounting companies. 

Sponsored advertising can help accounting firms become more visible and connect with a larger or more targeted audience. For businesses who are new to the market or want to grow their clientele, this might be especially helpful and surprisingly cost-effective. The success of sponsored ads can be measured through click-through rates, conversions and ROI.

                                                                       Photo courtesy of Austin Distel

Whatever the strategy, it's crucial for accounting companies to have a clear goal in place, analyze their campaigns frequently, and make adjustments depending on the measurable outcomes. To monitor the effectiveness of your social media marketing campaigns, use analytics tools. You can then change your strategy in light of what is and is not working.

The analytics offerings of all social media platforms are there for businesses to optimize their campaigns, and swiftly improve their outcomes. The types of analytics will vary from platform-to-platform, so be sure to do your research when considering which platforms to spend your marketing dollars on.

Êtes-vous prêt à lancer votre activité de comptabilité sur les réseaux sociaux ? Synup propose aujourd'hui un essai gratuit pour aider votre entreprise à atteindre plus de clients en unifiant vos profils sociaux sur une seule plateforme. Entamez une conversation avec nous pour découvrir comment nous faisons en sorte que ce processus soit exempt de stress et que vous obteniez des résultats optimaux.

Suivez-nous sur Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn ou Instagram pour en savoir plus sur nous.

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