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In this article, we are going to review some of the top-most LinkedIn Strategies for Marketing Agencies quoted by SMEs and Industry Experts.

Meilleures stratégies LinkedIn pour les agences de marketing en 2024 : citations de PME et d'experts du secteur


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Best LinkedIn Strategies for Marketing Agencies in 2024: Quotes from SMEs and Industry Experts

With all these years, LinkedIn has evolved largely and turned into a marketplace, where you can not only find jobs but do so much more. In this article, we are going to look at the best LinkedIn strategies, tips, and tricks for marketing agencies by some industry experts. 

What helps your agency stand out from the rest? 🤔

How can you help your clients choose your agency in a crowded market? 🎯

How do you showcase your agency’s unique value? 🔎

These are some of the key topics we will cover in this article. 

Let’s dive in!

1. Make the most out of LinkedIn Showcase Pages

LinkedIn Showcase Pages enable you to highlight different aspects of your business separately from your main company page. This means that you can focus on specific products, services, or departments, making it easier to reach and engage with various segments of your audience.

Let’s say that your agency offers both digital marketing and traditional marketing services, then you can create individual Showcase Pages for each area. This allows you to tailor your content and messaging to the specific interests of each group. 

With this, digital marketing prospects see content relevant to them, while those interested in traditional marketing get targeted information. This not only helps you connect with different audience segments but also ensures that you find the right kind of audience through your messaging. 

Alex Ugarte, Operations Manager @ London Office Space says, We've seen a 25% boost in engagement after we started to use Showcase Pages to target specific client needs. This segmentation makes your content more relevant to different parts of your general audience, increasing overall interaction and interest.”

2. Leverage Employee Advocacy 

Employee Advocacy is often overlooked by agencies, especially more so when it’s a small one. But you don’t know how far it goes until you realize its true potential. 

Creating a mix of content around thought leadership posts, case studies, and industry insights goes a long way. All in all, if your employees add a little personal touch to it by posting it via their respective LinkedIn handles, then there’s nothing like it. 

John Pennypacker, VP, of Sales & Marketing @ Deep Cognition says that “Our content reach increased by over 4x within three months, and we've seen a 30% uptick in inbound leads directly attributed to LinkedIn. More importantly, these leads tend to be of higher quality as they come through personal connections. We've found that this boosts our marketing efforts, enhances employee engagement, and helps position our team members as industry experts.” 

3. Focus on A/B Testing for Campaign Optimization

“One strategy I consistently rely on is A/B testing for campaign optimization. By testing different ad creatives, landing pages, and CTAs, I can identify what resonates best with my audience. For instance, after running A/B tests on email subject lines, we saw a 15% increase in open rates. Incorporating data-driven insights like this allows me to make informed decisions that drive better results. Additionally, leveraging customer segmentation has proven effective - targeted campaigns based on behavior and demographics have resulted in a 20% boost in conversion rates.”

Says, Rongzhong Li. the CEO/Founder of Petoi, a programmable bionic robot pet shop for adults and kids with applications in robotics education, STEM, coding, AI learning, and human companionship.

💡For those, who are new to this, A/B testing is a simple way to compare two versions of something to see which one works better. Imagine you have two different ideas for an ad, so you show one version (A) to some people and the other version (B) to others. Then, you see which version gets more clicks or attention. The one that performs better is the winner, so you know that’s the approach to use moving forward. It’s like a mini-experiment to find out what your audience likes more.

4. Make use of LinkedIn polls 

Using LinkedIn Polls is an effective yet underused social media strategy. They're a quick way to spark conversation, gather insights, and boost post engagement. By asking relevant industry questions, you can get valuable feedback and increase visibility through interaction. 

“In our own experience, we've used LinkedIn Polls to gauge opinions on trends in our sector, and this has led to a near 40% increase in post engagement. This type of content invites users to participate, making them more likely to engage with your brand further.” Says Alex Ugarte, Operations Manager @ London Office Space. 

5. Optimize Your Business Profile To The T

I believe one of the simplest LinkedIn strategies that’s always worked for any business person promoting their brand is to optimize their profile. This means filling out every piece of information asked by LinkedIn, consciously writing my About page, and making sure I’m able to highlight my brand’s goals along with our target audience. It doesn’t end there though. We prioritized carefully choosing keywords related to Cafely to further increase our brand’s reach and searchability.” Says Mimi, Founder and Marketing at Cafely. 

She further adds that they made use of Google’s Keyword Planner to identify which keywords are most relevant to their business and how well they resonate with their target audience. Once you have access to that data, they reach out to companies both within and outside their niche, offering to write for them and exploring the possibility of a mutual link exchange. It’s been their go-to strategy for boosting brand visibility and opening up new business opportunities.

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to optimize your Linkedin Business Profile that can help you drive better conversions and leads. 

6. LinkedIn Ad Transparency Tool 

The Ad Library on LinkedIn gives users better transparency into the ads they see, helping them make informed choices and avoid misleading or deceptive ads. It also gives you a glimpse into your competitors' ad campaigns, by offering strategic insights to help with your own. 

“These strategies have led to a 67% increase in our LinkedIn engagement and a 45% increase in lead generation in the past year. They are tested, validated, and are continuing to prove their value in our go-to-market strategy”, says Elyn-Aisin Lim, Brand Director at Elehear. 

7. Collaborate with Micro-Influencers

You’re more likely to follow and buy from a person than a business. That’s why micro-influencers have become the new LinkedIn trendsetters in 2024. They offer several advantages for your digital strategy:

  • Reach a relevant audience
  • Build trust around your product or service
  • Boost your brand presence and drive traffic
  • Attract niche conversions

You can also make use of platforms like HypeAuditor and needsshout to connect with micro-influencers that would best-suit your requirements. 

“Instead of chasing celebrity endorsements, focus on micro-influencers in your niche. These industry experts have engaged communities that can amplify your message authentically. Collaborate on co-created content, host joint webinars, or leverage their reach for targeted campaigns. When chosen carefully, micro-influencers can make or break your LinkedIn”. - Intent Amplify, Linkedin Newsletter.

8. Highlighting User Generated Content 

Let’s say that you help SAAS companies with their online sales and presence. Now, in this case, highlighting what your customer loves the most about your service is the way to go. There are several ways you can do this:

  1. Create case studies around it and showcase how your service helped them achieve X amount of sales, clients, leads, or conversions. 
  2. Share client testimonials that help paint a good picture of your agency and the services you sell. A video testimonial from your client may go a long way. 
  3. Or even consider an appreciation post where your clients share how much they love your services and how your agency has helped them achieve impressive results, like driving X amount of growth.

Remember, when highlighting these achievements, focus primarily on the metrics and numbers. Ultimately, the numbers leave a lasting impression and help drive more sales for your clients.

“We’ve hosted journaling challenges where users share their creations on social media. This initiative engaged our audience and generated a 50% increase in social media interactions,” says Karen, Marketing Manager at Journalling Supplies. 

9. Make Use Of Linkedin Sales Navigator Tool 

LinkedIn Sales Navigator is a paid tool with extra features not found in the free LinkedIn version. It’s great for finding and connecting with potential clients, keeping an eye on their activities, and understanding their needs better. Essentially, it helps you study your audience closely so you can create and tailor content that speaks directly to them.

A marketing professional from Fundraise Insider says, “We source LinkedIn profile URLs of the c-suite from newly funded companies every week via Fundraise Insider. Then add them to a Dripify automation to only send them a connection request on LinkedIn (helps if you have LinkedIn Sales Navigator). NO PITCH to them at all. All of these are our ICP, and we publish content on our LinkedIn to keep our visibility going among this target audience. That's how we stay visible directly to our target audience without pitching, yet converting into conversations and eventually into a sale.” 

This is a great way to keep your audience engaged, without having to pitch them at all. This also highlights how having conversations without the intention of actually making a sale is crucial to understanding your ICP better. 

10. Avoid Content Pitfalls 

Most of the time when you’re not getting enough eyeballs on your content, it’s most probably your content and not the algorithm. 

However, most people fail to acknowledge that and keep creating content that doesn’t speak to their audience’s pain points. 

So, the next time you find yourself in a position where your content is underperforming and you’re wondering what’s wrong, instead of blaming the algorithm, fix the problem aka the content. 

Along with other platforms, Linkedin is also taking the video-route, where in you’ll see bite sized content gaining more popularity than ever. This highlights the importance of diversifying your content for different audiences. 

In a Nutshell

LinkedIn is all about getting to know your audience and figuring out what works for your agency by experimenting with its algorithms. Remember, what works for one content creator might not work for you.

To improve, keep trying different post formats, follow best practices, and test the best times to post. This will help you find what resonates best with your audience, and on Linkedin, your audience is everything! ⭐️

Best LinkedIn Strategies for Marketing Agencies in 2024: Quotes from SMEs and Industry Experts: FAQs

1. What is the marketing strategy of LinkedIn? 

LinkedIn's marketing strategy focuses on being the leading professional networking platform by promoting thought leadership, offering targeted B2B advertising, and supporting sales teams with tools like LinkedIn Sales Navigator.

2. What is the future of marketing? 

Marketing's future will focus on personalized experiences, AI-powered automation, and smooth integration across all channels, with brands using data and technology like voice search to create tailored customer interactions.

3. How can LinkedIn be used as a successful marketing tool? 

LinkedIn can be a successful marketing tool by targeting professionals with personalized content, running highly focused ads, and leveraging its networking features to build relationships and generate leads.

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