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Want to leverage your social media to drive demand for your business? Here are 10 tips from experienced marketers to generate high-quality leads from social

Bewährte Strategien, mit denen Sie Leads über soziale Medien generieren können


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Social is not just for sharing memes or gloating at those 250 likes you got on a recent video. Well, it is about that. But you can really get way more out of it. By way more, I mean leads. Yep, social media is quite an effective channel of lead generation that many businesses and agencies often ignore. Wanna know how you can turn your brand’s social handles into a lead-generation machine?

First things first – Get a social media lead generation strategy in place

Doing social without a strategy is like driving with a blindfold. Neither would you wanna do that nor would you trust someone who does. So why leave your lead generation to chance?

1. Defining Your Target Audience

The foundation of any successful marketing strategy starts with understanding your ideal customer. Who are they? What are their pain points, interests, and online behavior patterns? By developing detailed buyer personas, you'll be better equipped to create content and campaigns that resonate with your target audience, increasing the likelihood of capturing their attention and interest.

2. Setting Clear Objectives

Not all social media efforts are created equal. Are you primarily focused on generating leads, or is brand awareness your top priority? Clearly defining your objectives from the outset will help you allocate resources effectively and measure success accurately. Lead generation requires a different approach compared to building brand recognition, so it's crucial to align your strategy with your end goals.

3. Choosing the Right Platforms

With numerous social media platforms available, it's essential to identify where your target audience spends their time online. There's no one-size-fits-all solution – different platforms cater to diverse demographics and interests. Conduct thorough research to determine which channels are most relevant to your business and customer base, and concentrate your efforts on those platforms for maximum impact.

4. Optimizing Your Social Media Profiles 

First impressions count, and your social media profiles are often the initial touchpoint for potential leads. Ensure your profiles are visually appealing, consistent with your branding, and packed with relevant information about your business. Utilize eye-catching visuals, compelling bios, and clear calls to action to encourage visitors to engage further and convert into leads.

Tips to start generating leads

Wanna get to the juicy bits quick? Here are some social media tips that will get those leads rolling in.

1. Use customer testimonials in ads and outreach campaigns

At its core, a testimonial provides social proof - one of the key principles that influences human behavior. When potential customers see real people vouching for your product or service, it instills a sense of trust and credibility that can't be achieved through branded messaging alone. Testimonials act as a virtual recommendation from an unbiased third-party, carrying far more weight than your own marketing claims.

“Our company is largely evolving around wedding planning and at first we were trying to create inspiring visuals that would go viral easily. 

It wasn't that effective. Our branding specialist that we hired to help us in strengthening the brand and its awareness among our audience pointed out that we should focus on more relatable content. 

As we started to create content with our real life customers, we started gaining much higher engagement rates. Many people were commenting on our posts and asking about certain locations, dresses etc. We were able to generate 5 new leads during the first month of changing our content to a more relatable one.”

- Rasa Urbonaitė, CMO at Breezit

  • To leverage testimonials successfully, start by identifying your most compelling reviews and success stories. Look for quotes that directly address common customer pain points, goals, or objections. Video testimonials can be particularly impactful, allowing prospects to see the enthusiasm and authenticity in a customer's face and voice.
  • When crafting ads or email marketing campaigns, incorporate these testimonials prominently. On social media, you can feature them in image or video ads aimed at reaching your target audience. You can also encourage current customers to leave reviews and testimonials directly on your social pages.
  • However, don't just rely on pulling generic quotes - add context around who the customer is, their background, and what specific results they achieved using your solution. This level of detail and personalization further amplifies the testimonial's influence. You can also leverage influencers in your space, just like this brand -

“We teamed up with micro-influencers from IG, TikTok and YT that create fashion and beauty content. We sent them our products to try, and then they shared their thoughts and experiences with their followers. This was great because it got more people to know about us, trust us, and it actually led to more sales. We saw our sales go up by about 20% from this strategy alone.”

- Kate Ross, Marketing at Irresistible Me - a beauty products company

  • The beauty of testimonials is that they employ psychological principles like social proof, expert endorsement, and trust transference to your advantage. As prospects evaluate your brand, positive testimonials from real customers provide the credible reassurance they need to take the next step and convert into a lead themselves.

2. Find people who are unhappy with competitors

By actively seeking out these unhappy customers on social media, you're tapping into an audience that's already primed and motivated to explore alternative solutions. They've experienced the pain point firsthand and are likely open to hearing about better options that could solve their woes.

  • So how do you find these diamonds in the rough? Start by monitoring social media for complaints, rants, or general negativity directed at your competitors. Use relevant hashtags, geotags, and keyword searches to surface these posts. You can also check out competitors' social pages and reviews to find vocalized frustrations.
  • Once you identify a hot lead, don't go in for the hard sell right away. Empathize with their situation and offer helpful advice or resources tailored to their specific need. This shows you genuinely care about solving their problem, not just making a sale. From there, you can naturally guide them toward your superior product or service as the ultimate solution.
  • The key is to be extremely tactful and mindful of tone. You don't want to come across as an aggressive vulture preying on negativity. But if you can skillfully insert yourself into the conversation and position your brand as the understanding ally, you'll earn their trust and interest as a welcomed alternative to their current subpar experience.

P.S. Maintain the basic business ethics and don’t badmouth any company or person. Trust me, it doesn’t look great no matter how good your pitch is.

3. Follow targetted problems that your brand solves

Think about it - when someone is actively vocalizing their struggles or seeking advice about an issue that falls squarely in your brand's wheelhouse, they've raised their hand as a prime prospect. They've identified a need that you can fulfill, making them a warm lead primed for conversion.

To leverage this strategy, start by brainstorming the core problems, keywords, and hashtags associated with your offering. These could include common complaints, frequently asked questions, or common sources of frustration within your industry.

Then, use social listening tools to monitor these terms across Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, and other relevant platforms. You can set up streams, alerts, and searches to consistently surface these conversations as they happen in real time.

From there, don't just barge in with a sales pitch. Engage authentically by offering helpful insights, solutions, or resources that directly address the problem at hand. Share your expertise, provide detailed tips, or point them toward useful content on your site. This positions you as a knowledgeable, trustworthy ally invested in their success.

Some good social listening tools: Brandwatch, Brand24, Mentionlytics, and Tweetdeck

4. Use referral campaigns

We all know that personal recommendations from friends, family, or trusted connections carry way more weight than any piece of paid advertising ever could. There's an inherent level of credibility and social proof that comes when someone you know vouches for a brand or product.

Referral campaigns intelligently harness that potent influence by incentivizing your existing happy customers to spread the word about your business within their own social circles. You're essentially mobilizing your biggest fans to become brand ambassadors and lead generators.

How to execute one?

Craft an enticing referral program with appealing rewards for both the referrer and the referred lead. This could be discounts, free products/services, cash/gift cards - get creative! Promoting it through eye-catching visuals and clear calls to action across your social channels makes it easy for customers to participate.

But here's the genius part - you're not just acquiring new leads, you're acquiring leads who were personally recommended to you from a trusted source. That warm introduction and built-in trust factor dramatically increase the likelihood of those referrals actually converting into customers down the line.

Plus, referral campaigns tend to be highly cost-effective compared to other lead-gen tactics. You're leveraging your existing customer base as growth agents, allowing you to exponentially expand your reach for a fraction of the investment in paid acquisition channels.

Pro tip: To really turbocharge this approach, consider adding gamification elements or creating a leaderboard to inspire a little friendly competition among your referrers. Public recognition and tangible incentives stoke people's motivation to hustle and rack up those coveted referrals.

5. Run special offer campaigns

Whether it's a limited-time discount, a free trial, or a bonus bundle of added goodies, these campaigns create a low-risk, high-reward scenario that compels prospects to seize the opportunity before it's gone. You're removing common barriers to purchase and stoking major FOMO.

The key is positioning these offers for precisely what they are - valuable but also exclusive chances to experience your product at a no-brainer entry point. Scarcity and urgency are your best friends here to spur people into taking action quickly as a lead.

When crafting your campaigns, go big and bold with attention-grabbing creative that spotlights the deal details front and center. Video ads, animated posts, and carousel formats work particularly well to showcase all aspects of the special offer in an engaging way.

6. Make your outreach personal

People crave authenticity and human touches. Generic, one-size-fits-all outreach just doesn't cut it anymore - it's the marketing equivalent of a cheesy pickup line. Yawn!!

But when you take the time to add thoughtful personal elements and truly personalize your outreach, it commands attention. You're showing that you see the prospect as an individual, not just another number. And that simple act of personalization can be the difference between getting ignored or sparking serious interest.

“One tactic that's worked a treat is using LinkedIn's InMail feature. It's a bit like having a direct line to potential leads. I once ran a campaign for a client where we sent personalized InMails to a targeted list. The result? A 30% response rate and a bucket load of new leads.”

- Dmitriy Shelepin, CEO, Head of SEO at Miromin

One power move? Drop a short personalized video as your pitch. You'd be amazed at how much more engaging and memorable a simple video message can be compared to traditional text outreach. Seeing your friendly face and hearing your voice instantly humanizes the interaction.

You can even take it a step further by offering to provide a shoutout or feature on your brand's social channels as a low-risk, value-added incentive. Small gestures like this demonstrate good faith and showcase your willingness to be a supportive partner from the get-go.

7. Build an authority on forums

People are far more likely to engage and convert with someone they perceive as a trusted authority figure. When you consistently provide immense value through insightful answers, strategic advice, and thoughtful discourse, you naturally attract an audience of loyal followers.

The great part is, you don't have to make things overly salesy or promotional. In fact, it's better if you don't. By focusing purely on being helpful and sharing your expertise freely, you build report and brand affinity in a very authentic, non-disruptive way.

How can you start leveraging forums successfully? 

First, identify the most active, relevant communities for your industry on sites like Reddit, Quora, Facebook Groups, and niche message boards. 

  • Spend time seeing what types of questions get asked frequently and where discussions gravitate.
  • From there, begin addressing common pain points, challenges, or knowledge gaps you notice through detailed, nuanced responses. 
  • Don't simply rehash surface-level facts - dive deep and provide substantive insights that genuinely aid the person asking the question. This caliber of value-added guidance is gold.
  • As you build traction and mindshare within the community, you can begin incorporating tasteful signatures or references to direct people towards additional resources on your website or branded channels. 
  • You'll be amazed how warmly potential leads receive these soft pitches when preceded by authentic helpfulness

8. Host live events on social media

Whether you're hosting a Q&A session, interviews, product demos, or behind-the-scenes glimpses, live streaming enables you to connect with your viewers in a direct, transparent way that just isn't possible through pre-recorded content.

“Hosting a live webinar on Facebook allowed us to showcase our platform's features, address user queries in real-time, and engage directly with our audience. This tactic generated 200 leads, demonstrating the effectiveness of interactive content.”

- Irene Graham, Co-Founder of Spylix

On top of that engagement factor, live events are an amazing lead-generation opportunity. Most platforms like LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram provide robust tools for capturing contact details from attendees through registrations, comments, or other lead channels.

Those who go out of their way to attend your live event have self-identified as being highly interested in your brand's content and offerings. You're getting through to a primed, motivated audience already quite far along in their buyer's journey.

How to pull this off successfully 

  • Promote your live events heavily in advance through emails, posted reminders, and organic social content. Create that buzz and sense of anticipation so viewers make it a priority.
  • Stellen Sie während des Livestreams selbst sicher, dass Sie einen engagierten Moderator haben, der in der Lage ist, durch Kommentare und Fragen zur Interaktion anzuregen. Nutze diese Interaktivität, um die Leute bei Laune zu halten.
  • Und natürlich sollten Sie einen Plan für das haben, was nach dem Ende der Live-Veranstaltung passiert — egal, ob es darum geht, die Teilnehmer mit Nurture-Inhalten erneut anzusprechen, sie individuell zu verfolgen oder die Konversation auf anderen Kanälen fortzusetzen.

9. Verwenden Sie Retargeting-Anzeigen

Mit Retargeting sind Sie in der Lage, hyperspezifisch zu werden und maßgeschneiderte Anzeigen für potenzielle Kunden zu schalten, die sich bereits in irgendeiner Weise mit Ihrer Marke beschäftigt haben — unabhängig davon, ob sie Ihre Website besucht haben, sich mit früheren Inhalten beschäftigt haben oder Bestandskunden sind.

Diese vorherige Interaktion signalisiert ein grundlegendes Maß an Interesse und Markenbekanntheit. Indem Sie diese guten Leads mit strategischen Botschaften und Angeboten erneut ansprechen, erhöhen Sie Ihre Chancen, sie zu konvertieren, exponentiell, verglichen mit einer völlig kalten Zielgruppe.

Das Schöne liegt in der Personalisierung und den präzisen Targeting-Funktionen. Sie können Ihre Retargeting-Pools nach bestimmten Aktionen oder aufgerufenen Seiten segmentieren und so einzigartige Werbekreationen und Botschaften erstellen, die sich direkt auf die identifizierten Interessen und Verhaltensweisen beziehen.

Beispielsweise könnten Sie Webseitenbesucher, die Ihre Preisseite besucht haben, aber nicht konvertiert haben, mit einem zeitlich begrenzten Rabattangebot oder einer Verkaufsberatung erneut ansprechen. Oder zeigen Sie ein überzeugendes Produktvideo erneut vor Leuten, die sich ein früheres Demo-Reel angesehen haben. Die Möglichkeiten, die richtige Botschaft zum idealen Zeitpunkt an den richtigen Interessenten zu übermitteln, sind praktisch unbegrenzt.

Und aus Kostensicht ist Retargeting in der Regel eine der effizientesten und rentabelsten bezahlten sozialen Taktiken, die es gibt. Sie konzentrieren sich voll und ganz auf Zielgruppen, die bereits mit den bestehenden Interessen- und Nachfrageerfassungen ausgestattet sind. Verschwenden Sie keine Zeit mit völlig unerwarteten Leads.

10. Engagieren Sie sich und bauen Sie eine Community auf

Indem Sie eine lebendige Community fördern, schaffen Sie ein Umfeld, in dem potenzielle Leads sich engagieren, wertvolle Diskussionen führen und in die Kultur und Werte Ihrer Marke eintauchen können.

  • Pflegen Sie proaktiv Beziehungen auf individueller Ebene. Suchen Sie Ihre idealen Interessenten auf Social-Media-Plattformen wie LinkedIn, Twitter oder relevante Facebook-Gruppen.
  • Hinterlassen Sie aufschlussreiche Kommentare, in denen Sie Ihr Fachwissen unter Beweis stellen, beantworten Sie Fragen sorgfältig und führen Sie einen Hin- und Her-Dialog, um eine Beziehung aufzubauen.
  • Auf diese Weise können Sie Ihre Zugänglichkeit und Bereitschaft, eine sachkundige Ressource zu sein, greifbar unter Beweis stellen, ohne dass Sie hart verkaufen müssen. Diese Interessenten fühlen sich geschätzt und erfahren aus erster Hand, wie es aussieht, Teil der Community Ihrer Marke zu sein.
  • Von dort aus können Sie Ihre Community-Reichweite durch umfassendere Strategien wie die Gründung einer eigenen Facebook-Gruppe, gemeinsame Diskussionen über Marken-Hashtags oder die Zusammenarbeit mit komplementären Marken bei Co-Marketing-Initiativen erweitern. Die Möglichkeiten, dynamische Konversationen und kollaborative Umgebungen zu fördern, sind endlos.

Die wahre Magie entsteht, wenn du die Zügel übergibst und deinen Community-Mitgliedern selbst erlaubst, den Raum aktiv zu pflegen. Ermutigen Sie nutzergenerierte Inhalte, Crowdsourcing von Erkenntnissen und umfangreiche Peer-to-Peer-Interaktionen in Ihren Räumen.

Optimieren Sie für die Erfassung und Konvertierung von Leads

Okay, du hast genug Interesse geweckt und die Leute wollen vielleicht Geschäfte mit dir machen. Was jetzt? Wie stellt man sicher, dass sie tatsächlich den Trichter hinuntergehen?

Speziell für den Traffic in sozialen Netzwerken müssen Sie Ihre Landingpage-Erlebnisse so optimieren, dass sie nahtlos und visuell ansprechende Erweiterungen der herausragenden Inhalte sind, die sie überhaupt erst dorthin gebracht haben.

Wenn Sie schon dabei sind, platzieren Sie strategische Leitfäden wie herunterladbare Leitfäden, Checklisten oder andere Premium-Inhalte, die im Austausch gegen Kontaktinformationen von Personen gesperrt sind. Aber seien Sie vorsichtig, machen Sie nicht alle Ihre Inhalte gesperrt, da dies die Leute leicht verärgern kann.

Stellen Sie von dort aus sicher, dass Ihr Folgeprozess mit automatisierten und dennoch personalisierten Kontaktpunkten, die in einen effizienten CRM-, Marketingautomatisierungs- oder E-Mail-Workflow integriert sind, luftdicht ist. Die Erfassung von Leads war nur der erste Schritt. Jetzt müssen Sie diese Dynamik und das Interesse nutzen und gleichzeitig dafür sorgen, dass Ihre Marke im Mittelpunkt steht.


Denken Sie daran, dass im Mittelpunkt jedes effektiven Ansatzes zur Lead-Generierung die Fähigkeit steht, echten Mehrwert zu bieten und sinnvolle Verbindungen herzustellen. Ob durch aufschlussreiche Inhalte, personalisierte Öffentlichkeitsarbeit oder exklusive Angebote — konzentrieren Sie sich darauf, bemerkenswerte Erlebnisse zu bieten, die bei Ihrem Publikum Anklang finden.

Soziale Netzwerke hilft Ihnen dabei, Ihr Publikum in all Ihren Social-Media-Profilen besser anzusprechen und detaillierte Einblicke in die Funktionsweise der einzelnen Plattformen zu erhalten.

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