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Inaccurate local listings can harm your business reputation. Learn the causes, how to correct errors, and strategies to avoid mistakes for better visibility and growth.

The Impact of Inaccurate Local Listings on Your Business


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A wrong address on your old Yelp listing. A disconnected phone number on Google My Business. Outdated business hours. These small errors in your local listings can have a massive impact on your bottom line.

Think about it: a potential customer is searching online for a product or service you offer, and your listing appears. They’re ready to visit, make a purchase, or receive a service. But then they arrive at your address, only to find no sign of your business.

Inaccurate local listings don’t just cause confusion; they can cost you sales and wreak havoc on your online reputation. That’s a big deal when every interaction counts.

This article sheds light on the impact of incorrect business listings, some common mistakes businesses make, and how to start doing it right! 

What Are Local Listings and Why Accuracy Matters

Simply put, a local business listing is any profile on online directories that shows your business’s details like name, address, phone number, and hours. These directories include but are not limited to Google, Yelp for Business, Bing Places, Facebook Business, Angi, Yellow Pages, and Apple Maps. 

To put it simply, they’re digital directories that help people find you—whether they’re across town or just around the corner.

Now, here’s why accuracy is everything:

Imagine someone is looking for your restaurant on Google Maps, directed by your Google business profile. They show up, but the location is wrong. Or maybe they call, and the number is disconnected. That’s an instant trust-breaker. Chances are, they’ll just head to your competitor instead.

That’s probably not the end of it either.

Most will end up leaving your business a bad review for wasting their time, and that is never good for your business reputation.

Accurate information builds customer trust. It tells people you’re reliable, professional, and easy to reach. Inconsistent or outdated details, though? They make your business look sloppy, untrustworthy or even closed down. It’s essential for businesses to set their sights on a robust local SEO strategy.

Common Causes of Inaccurate Local Listings

When it comes to inaccurate local listings, what are the potential causes? How do local listings end up containing incorrect information? This occurs more frequently than expected, often due to a few common reasons. Here are the three most common ones: 

  1. Outdated Information

This is the most common reason for incorrect business listings. Businesses evolve, but listings don't always keep up. Maybe you moved locations or changed your phone number and forgot to update it everywhere. It's a simple oversight, especially when juggling a million other aspects of your multi-location brand. But it can cost you.

  1. NAP Errors

Then, there’s the classic NAP—Name, Address, Phone number—errors. Even the smallest mistake, like a missing digit in your phone number or a street name typo, can send potential customers in the wrong direction. That can be frustrating for everyone involved and have serious business-related ramifications.

  1. Human Error and Automation

Sometimes, incorrect local listings come from human error. Automated systems that use data extraction models can also pull business information from outdated sources. These errors happen without you even realizing it. That's why if you ever need to automate your listings, use a dedicated automated local listing management tool like Synup. 

Action Tip: Regularly audit your listings across all platforms—whether in person or using an automated tool. Review all your platforms—Google, Yelp, Facebook, you name it. Ensure every detail is accurate and up-to-date. It’s a small effort that can yield a big payoff.

Negative Impacts of Inaccurate Local Listings

Inaccurate local listings might seem like no big deal at first. You’ve got other ways—social media and email—for customers to reach you, right?

In theory, yes. But here’s the thing:

The first thing most people see when they search for your business online is your Google Business Profile. And if the information there is wrong, things can go downhill fast. Let's get into the details.

Loss of Customer Trust

Trust is the cornerstone of any successful business. When you have incorrect business listings, that trust can easily be shattered.

Inaccurate business information can lead to significant customer frustration. When potential customers attempt to locate your business based on incorrect details, their experience quickly turns negative. If they arrive at a different location or find outdated contact information, they’re likely to feel disappointed and misled.

This frustration doesn’t just stop with one unhappy customer; it can snowball. Each dissatisfied individual may choose not to return, and many will share their experiences through negative reviews, further damaging your reputation.

Even if customers eventually find your correct address or contact details, doubts will linger. People might wonder, "Can I trust them to deliver quality service if they can't even get their business information right?"

Every inaccurate local listing feels like a broken promise. If customers can’t rely on your details, they might assume that your products or services are equally unreliable. In today’s fast-paced world, where convenience is paramount, people have little patience for such miscommunication.

The result? A significant loss of trust, decreased sales, and a tarnished reputation—all stemming from something as simple as outdated information.

Poor SEO Performance

Here’s a fun fact: search engines love consistency. It helps search engines like Google effectively crawl and index your website, leading to improved visibility and online rankings.

When your business details—your NAP—are all over the place, Google gets confused. And trust me, you don’t want to confuse Google. Your general and local SEO will take a big hit.

If your listings have inconsistent or outdated information, search engines struggle to determine if your business is legitimate. For customers, it’s like sending unclear messages—definitely not the best impression, right? As a result, Google might rank you lower in local search results. This means fewer people will find you online and fewer opportunities to bring in new customers.

For example, let’s say someone searches for “coffee shops near me.” If your listing has different addresses floating around, your shop might not even make the cut. Inconsistent NAP details essentially tell search engines, “Eh, I’m not sure where I am either.”

Decreased Sales and Foot Traffic

Customers aren’t likely to buy from you if they can't find you. It really is that simple.

Incorrect business listings can seriously cut into your sales and foot traffic. If your address or hours are wrong, potential customers might get lost and frustrated, and head straight to your competitor instead.

Accurate listings aren’t merely “nice to have”—they directly impact whether customers walk through your door and make a purchase. Ensure they are accurate to maintain a steady flow of sales. 

Bad Customer Experience

Customer experience is crucial for businesses, and few things can damage it as quickly as being closed when you’re supposed to be open or having a disconnected phone number. 

When a customer checks your hours online, travels to your location, and finds you closed, it’s not their fault; your listing indicated you were open. This leads to frustration that lingers. You may be offering an excellent service or product, but an inaccurate local listing will leave a lingering poor impression. A bad review can deter potential customers, all because your hours weren’t updated.

Similarly, if customers rely on GPS to find you but your address is incorrect, it can lead to confusion. If your listing states “Croydon London,” but they end up in “Waddon,” they may drive in circles and ultimately turn to your competitor, who has accurate listings. Mistakes like these may seem minor, but they significantly affect customer experience.

Action Tip: Keeping your listings accurate and consistent is the easiest way to ensure customers get the experience they deserve—one they’ll want to come back for!

Financial Cost 

Inaccurate local listings can seriously impact your bottom line, too. Every wrong address, outdated phone number, or incorrect hour can lead to missed opportunities and lost customers.

For instance, if a business has an outdated support phone number, potential clients may struggle to get assistance when they need it. If just a handful of these clients decide to abandon their trial period due to lack of support, the company could miss out on significant revenue from subscriptions.

Or, a restaurant with outdated hours might turn away dozens of hungry diners in a single weekend. If each of those diners had spent $20, that would result in a quick loss of $400.

And it doesn’t stop there. Damage control has additional expenses attached to it. If customers leave negative reviews due to incorrect information, you might need to spend on marketing or promotions to win them back.

According to a study, over 80% of consumers have lost trust in a brand due to inaccurate local listings. That’s not just a hit to your reputation; it’s a hit to your bottom line.

How to Correct Inaccurate Listings

There is a solution for all these listed problems and risks. It's time to get proactive. Here are some effective strategies that can help turn things around.

Audit Your Listings and Correct Errors or Outdated Information 

First, check all your current listings across the board and on all platforms. Look for inconsistencies in your Name, Address, and Phone number (NAP). 

Once incorrect business listings are identified, it’s essential to update them immediately. Thankfully, there are resources available to help with this. For example, a listing management tool like Synup simplifies the process and is effective for both proactive maintenance and quick resolution of local listing issues. 

It helps you fix everything in one go—from local listing claims to citation updates, audits, and cleanups. 

One signed up and in, automation tools like Synup let you audit and manage your listings from one spot. You'll have a single dashboard to see where your info might be wrong. You can also update everything in one go. No need to check multiple sites. Say goodbye to duplicates and inaccuracies!

Claim All Your Business Profiles

Head over to platforms like Google, Yelp, and Facebook, and claim or create all your listings as soon as possible. This should be a regular practice because it gives complete control over your business information, ensuring that nothing slips through the cracks. For instance, the Synup listing management tool can also facilitate this process, making it easier to manage your listings effectively.

And what happens if you don't?

Someone else might claim your listings if you don't. A random person, or even a competitor, could claim your unverified listing and start changing your information.

They might add their own phone number or, worse, direct customers to their location. You’ll end up with customers calling the wrong place or walking into a completely different business, thinking it’s yours. This can affect how the algorithm perceives your business identity—leading to multiple business entities with conflicting addresses and contact information.

By claiming your profiles, you take charge of your brand’s online presence and local SEO—ensuring no one else does.

Other Tips 

  • Set a reminder to check your listings every few months or make a regular audit if you use a listing management service. 
  • Ask customers to report any incorrect business listing they spot. This helps you stay accurate and shows you care. Plus, who doesn’t love feedback?
  • Keep track of any changes in your business—like hours or location—and update your listings ASAP. 

Summing Up

Inaccurate and incorrect local business listings can seem like a small issue, but they can snowball into big problems. From frustrated customers and lost sales to local SEO struggles and bad reviews, the risks are real. And let's not forget – if your info is wrong, people might end up at your competitor's door.

You can avoid or correct all this by staying on top of your business info, keeping it consistent across all platforms, and regularly checking for any updates. It's a little work now that saves you a ton of headaches (and revenue) later.

If managing everything seems overwhelming, Synup can help streamline the process. It offers a comprehensive tool for auditing, correcting, and managing your listings in one place. You can start by requesting a free demo, which includes an exploratory chat and a product demonstration tailored to your specific business needs.

The Impact of Inaccurate Local Listings on Your Business: FAQs

Does the location of your business matter?

Absolutely! Your business’s physical location can impact who finds you, how often they visit, and even how much trust they have in your brand. If you’re in a popular area or close to competitors, you might get more foot traffic just from being in the right spot. Search engines love proximity. If someone’s looking for a "casino venue near me" and you're just around the corner, your business is more likely to pop up. 

Can someone else claim my business online?

Yes! If you haven’t claimed your listings, others can edit or even claim them. This could lead to contrasting info or, worse, a fake listing that misrepresents your business.

How often should I check my local listings? 

At least once a quarter. However, if your business moves, changes phone numbers, or alters hours, be sure to update it immediately to avoid confusion and loss of trust.

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