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Cómo hacer marketing en redes sociales para dar a conocer la marca

Cómo hacer marketing en redes sociales para dar a conocer la marca


Many companies rely on something called brand awareness to engage prospective customers by educating them on their products and services.

Photo courtesy of Jose Francisco Fernandez Saura

What is brand awareness?

Brand awareness is simply the level of customer familiarity with your brand. It is the extent to which a brand is recognized by potential customers and a brand’s connection to a particular good or service. Recall, recognition, and top-of-mind awareness are a few indicators that can be used to gauge brand awareness. 

This is crucial to a brand's overall performance because it fosters consumer trust and credibility, which can improve sales and customer loyalty, as well as give a company a competitive advantage. Advertising, public relations, and social media campaigns are just a few examples of the marketing strategies that may be used to increase brand awareness.

Photo courtesy of DSD

There are various reasons why brand recognition is crucial.


In a congested market, brand recognition aids in separating a company from its competitors. A company can differentiate itself from the competition and attract new clients by developing a distinctive brand.

Credibility and trust
Consumers' perceptions of a brand are influenced by brand awareness. Customers are more likely to trust the goods or services given by a brand when it is well-known and recognizable.

Repeat business

Repeat business and client loyalty are two benefits of a successful brand. Customers are more likely to use a brand again in the future if they are familiar with it and have previously had good experiences with it.

Price premium

Over less well-known competitors, a well-known and renowned brand can frequently demand a higher price. The price of goods or services that consumers believe to be of greater quality or to have a better reputation is frequently higher. Building a strong brand can open doors to growth prospects, such as the opening of new markets and the creation of new goods or services.

Photo courtesy of Ketut Subiyanto

The best method for tracking brand awareness will depend on the precise objectives of your company and the target market.

There are various ways to assess brand awareness. We know a few typical methods that we can share.

One of the most popular ways to gauge brand awareness is through surveys. Brand recall, recognition, and other tools that measure consumer awareness of the brand can be incorporated into survey questions.

Web analytics tools can offer information about how much traffic is coming to a website, where it is coming from, and how visitors are behaving there. This information can be used to evaluate the degree of brand recognition and pinpoint opportunities for development.

Data from social media platforms, such as the quantity of followers, likes, shares, comments, and other engagement metrics, can be used to gauge brand awareness.

Search engines provide a ton of data, too, that can be examined to determine the volume of searches for a specific brand or associated keywords. This information can shed light on how interested and knowledgeable consumers are about the brand.

Monitoring brand references in online forums, news articles, and other sources can give information about how well-known a brand is and how consumers feel about it.

Social listening tools are software that enable brands to track and examine social media sites in order to learn more about the beliefs, habits, and preferences of their target market. Social listening solutions offer insightful data that brands can use to better understand their target audiences, spot trends and commercial possibilities, monitor brand reputation, assess the success of marketing initiatives, and enhance their entire social media strategy.

Photo courtesy Kerde Severin

So why is social media important for brand awareness?

Social media sites have a huge user base, with billions of users actively using them worldwide. Businesses may reach a wide audience and improve the visibility of their brands by utilizing social media.


Creating brand exposure through social media is a cost-effective strategy. Even paid advertising choices are frequently less expensive than conventional advertising techniques, and many social media platforms provide free accounts.


Social media enables businesses and their customers to have a two-way conversation. This interaction can foster brand loyalty and a sense of community around the product.


Social media content has the potential to go viral, which would mean that it would be shared by users and would be seen by many more people than the original post would have. Increased brand exposure and awareness may result from this.


Social media platforms offer data and analytics that can assist organizations in determining the success of their social media initiatives and in formulating data-driven social media strategy decisions.

Photo courtesy of Kampus Production

7 well known tips on how to improve your social media marketing strategy for better brand awareness.

Give your social presence some personality and make your posts stand out.

Even financial institutions can have fun on social media. WIthout versatile creativity and fun baked into your social media content strategy, you’ll end up with a repetitive and unengaging feed.

A diversified posting strategy also improves your feed visibility and creates an appealing grid for Instagram users.

Collaborate with brands and influencers.

Social media is just that–social. To get the best reach, you cannot do it alone. Partnering with brands and influencers (or content creators, as they prefer to be called) increases your brand awareness purely by getting in front of more eyes.

Having another brand or person lend credibility to your product or service improves brand awareness, too. Just check out what PizzaHut did in the images below.

Use hashtags and geotags.

A post can become more visible and engaging by using hashtags and geotags. In order to maximize a post’s discoverability for users searching certain topics or interests, content is classified using hashtags. By including relevant hashtags in a post, a company may increase the probability that their content will be seen by a bigger audience that is interested in the same problem.

The best hashtags and geotags will vary based on the type of business, location and target audience it desires to reach.

Engage with your audience in comments, Stories and Lives.

La participación del cliente es esencial para construir relaciones con sus clientes y demostrar a los clientes potenciales que usted es una marca confiable. Tener tiempo cara a cara con tu público objetivo y tus seguidores en línea crea y refuerza una sensación de transparencia.

Reutiliza tus mensajes.

Puedes reutilizar el contenido producido anteriormente en una variedad de artículos del tamaño de un bocado que se pueden compartir fácilmente en las redes sociales. Como resultado, sus mensajes se mantendrán consistentes y sus lectores reconocerán la identidad de su marca con facilidad. Las empresas que hacen esto ven un aumento en la participación, así como una mejor tasa de clics en las redes sociales.

Sé experimental.

No todo va a ser adecuado para tu marca y tus mensajes. La única forma de ver qué puede funcionar es probar una variedad de campañas en las redes sociales y revisar los análisis con regularidad. Realiza experimentos con diferentes campañas de principio a fin y prueba de 2 a 3 experimentos a lo largo de un trimestre para determinar qué puede funcionar o no en los trimestres siguientes.

Sé coherente.

La coherencia es realmente clave y, como expertos en redes sociales, no podemos hacer suficiente hincapié en esto. El conocimiento de la marca en las redes sociales se optimiza mediante una combinación de varias técnicas que se dirigen directamente a tu público objetivo. Si una marca no es coherente, habrá pocos beneficios de los que hablar. Recomendamos utilizar una plataforma de marketing en redes sociales como Regístrate en redes sociales para optimizar tu estrategia de redes sociales de principio a fin.

Synup Social utiliza textos e imágenes generados por IA para mejorar tu contenido y hacer que publicar sea menos agotador. Te recomendamos que pruebes nuestra versión de prueba gratuita hoy mismo para comprobar si es adecuada para tu negocio, y estamos seguros de que verás un aumento en el reconocimiento de tu marca.

¿Estás listo para ver un repunte en el conocimiento de la marca? Synup ofrece un prueba gratuita hoy para ayudar a su empresa a llegar a más clientes uniendo sus perfiles sociales en una plataforma. Inicie una conversación con nosotros para averiguar cómo estamos haciendo que este proceso sea libre de estrés y con resultados maximizados.

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