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Cómo configurar una cuenta empresarial de Instagram

Cómo configurar una cuenta empresarial de Instagram


We’re sure you’ve heard by now that Instagram is one of the largest social media platforms with over 1 billion users. Businesses caught wind of this phenomenon a long time ago and many are leveraging their profiles on Instagram by creating what is known as a business account in order to promote their products and services, and interact directly with customers.

Business accounts are an important part of utilizing social media for brand awareness, and includes analytics, advertising tools, and unique calls to action, and good news is that you can easily create one by reading this article!

Photo courtesy of Pixabay

Check out the features and benefits of Instagram’s Business accounts:

Instagram Insights is a service that offers statistics and information about a company's audience, interaction, and content. Businesses can track the effectiveness of their Instagram marketing campaigns and gain a deeper understanding of their audience with the aid of Instagram Insights.

  • Know your audience: Instagram Insights gives you specific information about your followers, such as their age, gender, geography, and peak use times. You can use this information to better understand your audience and create content that will engage them.

  • Check your performance: The performance of your posts and Stories can be tracked via Instagram Insights, which includes measures like reach, impressions, engagement, and more. By doing so, you can determine which material is connecting with your audience and change your strategy as necessary.

  • Find patterns: Instagram Insights gives you information on your account's development over time and lets you discover trends in follower growth, engagement, and other metrics. You may also use this information to make wise choices regarding your content and overarching strategy.

  • Monitor your Instagram Stories: Instagram Insights enables you to monitor Instagram Stories-specific analytics including views, exits, and responses. You may use this information to raise the caliber and potency of the material in your Stories.

Photo courtesy of Kerde Severin

Instagram Business Accounts can include contact buttons that let consumers contact a company by phone, email, or message from their profile on the social media platform.

  • Enhance your reach: Including contact buttons on your Instagram profile makes it simpler for followers or potential customers to contact you. To send a message, make a call, or get directions to your location, they only need to click the button.

  • Reach customers sooner: Contact buttons help organizations to more quickly and effectively react to consumer questions and issues, which improves customer service. This might raise loyalty and boost consumer happiness.

  • Increase leads and conversions: Contact buttons provide consumers a clear call to action, assisting them in taking the next step and contacting you. This might boost lead generation and conversion rates for enterprises.

  • Enhance interaction: Contact buttons may help promote contact and engagement with your followers. You may develop deeper connections with your Instagram followers and promote a sense of community by making it simpler for them to contact you.

Photo courtesy of Cottonbro Studio

Instagram Business Accounts have access to the platform's advertising tools, which include sponsored posts and Instagram Stories.

  • Reach the right audience: With more than 1 billion active users, Instagram gives you access to a sizable and interested audience that can be targeted using a range of demographic, regional, and behavioral criteria.

  • Target your advertising: Instagram's advertising platform enables companies to tailor their ads to niche markets based on variables like age, geography, interests, habits, and more. This can improve the efficiency of marketing initiatives and cut down on wasteful spending.

  • Increase brand recognition: Instagram advertising may aid in enhancing brand awareness, enabling businesses to reach out to new clients and establish their company's reputation.

  • Improve conversions and traffic: Instagram advertisements may assist increase conversions and traffic to a company's website or e-commerce platform.

  • Use cost-effective advertising: Instagram advertising, especially for small and medium-sized firms, may be a cost-effective approach to reach a focused audience and achieve particular marketing goals.

Photo courtesy of Cottonbro Studio

Companies can make it simpler for people to buy things straight from Instagram by using product tagging to tag their products in Instagram photos.

  • Increase visibility: Businesses may make their items more visible to a wider audience by using product tags in their postings. This might result in higher interaction, traffic, and sales.

  • Easily find products for purchase: Customers enjoy a more smooth and convenient user experience thanks to Instagram's product tagging feature, which enables users to find and buy things without ever leaving the Instagram app.

  • Get into the details: Product tags provide buyers more details about a product, such as its price, description, and availability, making it simpler for them to decide whether to make a purchase.

  • Convert at higher rates: Product tagging may aid in boosting conversion rates and sales by streamlining the purchasing process and making it simpler for clients to make a purchase.

  • Use insights: The ability to evaluate metrics like clicks, impressions, and purchases and modify strategy as necessary is provided by Instagram's extensive insights into product success.

Photo courtesy of Cottonbro Studio

Instagram Business Accounts have the option to get verified, which results in the addition of a blue checkmark to their profile and a boost in their authority and exposure on the social media site.

  • Improve credibility: Instagram verification gives an account a feeling of authority and credibility by confirming that it belongs to a well-known public person, celebrity, or company.

  • Improve visibility: Verified Instagram accounts are more likely to show up at the top of search results and in the "recommended accounts" section, which boosts visibility and exposes content to more people.

  • Enabled account security: Since Instagram verification proves that the account belongs to the real person or company, it can assist safeguard against impersonation and fraud.

  • Access to exclusive features: Instagram verified accounts may have access to exclusive features like the "swipe up" option for Stories, which lets users link directly to external websites from their Story.

  • Collaborate with others: Brands may be more inclined to work with verified accounts owing to their legitimacy and impact, which means that Instagram verification can lead to new potential for brand collaborations.

Photo courtesy of Omkar Patyane

Enabling an Instagram Business Account

Okay let’s get to the good stuff! Now you know all the reasons why an Instagram Business account could be beneficial for your brand. We’re going to take it to the next level and provided a step-by-step walkthrough below of how to enable your Instagram Business account below.

Instagram allows only Instagram Business accounts linked to a Facebook Page to be connected. To start off, please follow the steps below to connect your Instagram account to your Facebook Page:

  • It is required that your Instagram account be a Business Profile and connected to your Facebook Page. This is required by Instagram for posting images and videos.

  • If you already have a Facebook Page, continue on. Otherwise, create a new Facebook Page by logging into Facebook and going to the Facebook Page Creation.

  • Habilitar Instagram Business es fácil. Simplemente inicie sesión en Instagram:
  • Haz clic en «Más» en el panel lateral y ve a Configuración:

  • Selecciona «Cambiar a cuenta profesional»

  • Selecciona Empresa (no Creador).

  • Selecciona Siguiente

  • Selecciona una categoría y haz clic en Listo.

¡Y eso es prácticamente todo! Si ya tienes una cuenta empresarial de Instagram, puedes conectar tu página de Facebook a Instagram yendo a la página de Facebook que administras > Configuración de la página > Instagram. Si no está conectada, puedes hacer clic en el botón «Conectar» de esa página.

Estos son algunos recursos adicionales porque somos tan amables:

Vinculación de Instagram

Solución de problemas

Foto cortesía de Canva Studio

Ahora que está conectado a Instagram, es posible que desee invertir en un plataforma de gestión de redes sociales. Sabemos todo sobre ellos desde que acabamos de lanzarlos Regístrate en redes sociales ¡a principios de 2023! Descubre cómo gestionar las redes sociales en un abrir y cerrar de ojos, con una plataforma que utiliza la inteligencia artificial para simplificar la creación, la publicación y el seguimiento de las interacciones de las publicaciones en las redes sociales y, en última instancia, impulsar el rendimiento y aumentar el conocimiento de la marca.

Synup ofrece un prueba gratuita hoy para ayudar a su empresa a llegar a más clientes uniendo sus perfiles sociales en una plataforma. Inicie una conversación con nosotros para averiguar cómo estamos haciendo que este proceso sea libre de estrés y con resultados maximizados.

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